Mt. Everest, the iconic pinnacle of the world, continues to captivate the human spirit with its awe-inspiring height and the enduring allure of mountaineerin...
Nepal has a district known as Mustang. The ancient Himalayan Kingdom is located in Nepal's northern central region, above the Kali Gandaki River. The distric...
Namaste to all the readers and hike enthusiasts. This is Nir Bahadu...
Safety produces before you travel. While traveling, you'll require travel insurance. It's the most crucial item you require. The majority of health insura...
Help clean wilderness nature trails of plastic. The Annapurna Circuit Trail, Tilicho Lake, and Annapurna Conservation Area are some of Nepal's most...
Geography The Kali Gandaki River is Mustang's primary hydrographic feature. The river cuts through Mustang as it flows southeast toward t...
Embark on the classic Everest Base Camp trek, a journey that allows you to witness the world's tallest peak, Mount Everest. This adventure combines a visit t...
How many times have you visited Ason Bazaar? in the heart of Kathmandu without really paying attention to the numerous historical sites that are present ther...
Nepal travel tips plan the best trip ever! Nepal is the home of the Himalayan king Mt. Everest which is the top of the world and birth place of Lord Gauta...
There are no safety issues when it comes to SOLO wandering in Nepal. Any wanderer can dwell here care freely. Nepal, a Geo-heaven on Earth, is generally cons...